November 12, 2024
PCD/HBS Family Association
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
- Welcome and President’s Report- Kathy O’Grady
- Holiday Tea update
- Sign up sheet for volunteers
- Ornaments from Ms. Karl’s adult class will be picked up at Holiday Tea
- Trunk or Treat
- Another successful year with 20 cars
- Taking suggestions on the hours and how we can make it better/bigger
- Scholastic Book fair
- Very successful, went over the $3500 mark
- Issues 25% back to the teachers and classrooms
- Use the money for new books for the classrooms
- We had a bank close to $5,000 in cash back
- Donation Winter items
- Winter donations - Coats, hats, gloves for adults and children
- Donation boxes outside of lower school office and the technology center in Lund
- Donation event at State House the day after thanksgiving
- donation boxes will be picked up before our school break
- Sarah Bates is the lead on this event and will take to the state house
- November 20th adults can make clay Christmas ornaments with Jennifer Karl
- includes childcare
- Adults only
- Wine and cheese will be served
- December 5th - Hope Street holiday stroll
- Start at J. Marcel to grab a glass of wine for your Sip and shop
- Stores include: J. Marcel, Studio Hop, Frog and Toad, pH Factor
- % of all sales goes back to the school
- Last year we raised $500
- Head of School Report- Kevin Folan
- Cell phone discussion
- Sharing thoughts and opinions and resources
- Zeroing in some consensus
- Still tweaking
- Middle school feeling good
- Still progress to be made in high school
- Phones to leave during class time
- Do we need phones during community time and lunchtime
- Continue to look at the policy throughout the years
- Hard to put limitations on something when there haven’t been limitations in the past
- A parent asked why parents want their kids to have their phones
- Change of plans, check in with their child
- Community events: dec 10th bellini event
- Dec 19th holiday tea
- Chowder day huge turnout and great volunteers
- Open house – record turnout
- October parent challenge asked for 110 donors and had 120
- Mark Patinkin
- Morning Kindness (what was this persons name?) – environmentalist
- Great author (zombies)
- Development Update-Mark McLaughlin
- Chowder Day
- Seeing the waves of families and friends
- Having alumni on campus
- Beer garden / cocktail reception
- Very well attended
- Saturday afternoon had a wine tasting
- Rick Sutton class of ‘88
- Expanding it to the parents of current students
- October challenge:
- Numbers of donors
- ½ of high school and 1/3 middle and lower school families
- Parents Knight nights out – Bellini
- December 10th the Beatrice Hotel – the rooftop
- Open to everyone in the community 21+
- Annual giving day (mainly online) 2/11 lots of social media and emails
- Re-imagining play for PCD
- Splitting into a 2-day event
- Dinner – auction on Saturday night, Saturday May 3rd
- Golf will be on the Monday, May 5th
- Admissions Update- Melanie Parsons
- Open house
- Two weeks ago
- Record numbers of attendance
- Thank you to all our volunteers
- Interviews begin
- Friends and family who may be interested spots are filling up quickly
- Application deadline is 2/1
- Great growth in lower school especially
- Treasurer’s update – Kerri Stanzione
- Worked through the budget
- Increase to our budget
- Because we are including the lower
- Have spent $2700 on BBQ
- Holiday tea will be the largest expense
- Dues assessed
- October / November timeframe
- Next year to set the dues to September
- Sometimes parents forget their dues
- Working with the total amount of families to understand how much money is there and how much goes into reserve
- Questions / Closing
- December 3rd – Tuesday 8:15am
- 9th and 10th grade parent social at Hot Club
- Work with your class coordinator for event night out