As of mid-January, members of the Class of 2025 have already been accepted into over 100 colleges and universities around the country. The list of acceptances include New England schools such as Harvard University, Williams College, Northeastern University, and Colby College as well as the University of Virginia, Clemson University, Tulane University, and Vassar College, among many others.
PCD is excited to announce that two members of the Class of 2025, Brady Jones and Nerissa Theisen, have been named Semifinalists in the 70th Annual National Merit Scholarship Program. They represent the top 0.5% of senior students who took the PSAT nationally last fall. Out of 1.3 million American students who took the PSAT, there are only 16,000 Semifinalists from across the nation.
PCD is thrilled to welcome two new members to our Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees, made up of PCD and HBS alumni, current parents and alumni parents, is tasked with the responsibility of providing strategic guidance to PCD’s school administration and serves as the school’s greatest champions and cheerleaders. We are so very fortunate to have these new representatives joining our Board for this school year.
Providence Country Day School closed out the celebration of its 100th birthday with a weekend full of merriment and festivities, as the school remembered its history, celebrated present successes, and looked forward to a bright future. The Centennial weekend culminated 18 months of planning and celebrations, including Zoom toasts, student assemblies, history projects, and alumni gatherings.
PCD is thrilled to welcome Michael Sandner as our new Director of Finance and Operations. Michael is coming to us from the Hartford International University for Religion and Peace, where he has worked for nearly a decade as Chief Business Officer and Title IX Officer, as well as Director of Human Resources.
The future is bright for 100-year old independent school Providence Country Day as it launches its Centennial Campaign to raise $15 million of comprehensive funding for improving campus facilities, increased endowment, and unrestricted funds. Most notably, the school intends to build a new arts building at the center of the school’s 30-acre campus in East Providence.
In March, the Lower School raised funds to support the Hotel for Homeless Dogs Humane Society. Each class was challenged to collect as much spare change as possible, with the winning class receiving a Puppy Pizza Party. In total, the school raised over $4500 for the shelter.
For the majority of its 125 year history, the Henry Barnard School had been a teaching school, where education students from Rhode Island College (RIC) could spend time in the classroom — learning from current teachers and gaining firsthand experience with students. But that program ended more than a decade ago. It was only in the last few years that talks of restoring it began.
PCD is sad to announce that one of our school's giants, Tom Ossman, passed away on Saturday, March 30. Mr. Ossman passed peacefully in the presence of family at his residence at Wingate Blackstone in Providence, where he lived for the past several years. Tom had recently turned 94 on March 1.
Providence Country Day is pleased to announce the establishment of The Thomas W. Ossman Endowed Chair for Teaching Excellence. The Ossman Endowed Chair will be used to support teaching excellence in the spirit of Mr. Ossman during his time at the school.
PCD’s annual Chowder Day weekend was another resounding success. This community-wide event began in 1944 and has been a much-anticipated annual tradition ever since, as PCD comes together to cheer on the Knights in athletic contests throughout the day, enjoy chowder and clam cakes, and chat with old friends and new.
Historic elementary school will move to a new home on PCD's on East Providence campus; Providence Country Day begins multi-million dollar renovation to welcome Henry Barnard School.
It’s been a banner season for PCD’s fall athletic teams - with four varsity state and league championships, one junior varsity championship and multiple athletes recognized for their individual achievements.
The scholarship recipient will be chosen this summer from all qualified applicants, and will cover tuition costs for one Ukrainian student entering 9th grade this fall.
As of mid-January, members of the Class of 2025 have already been accepted into over 100 colleges and universities around the country. The list of acceptances include New England schools such as Harvard University, Williams College, Northeastern University, and Colby College as well as the University of Virginia, Clemson University, Tulane University, and Vassar College, among many others.