PCD Kicks off the Centennial Year

We started the year 2023 with excitement as PCD celebrates 100 years, and HBS celebrates 125 years!
PCD kicked off the centennial celebrations with a virtual party on January 9, 2023 at 7:23pm (1/9/23 and 19:23, both representing the year PCD was founded). PCD community members from around the world learned more about the next 18 months of centennial celebrations, heard members of our community share some of their PCD memories, and celebrated the start of the centennial with a virtual toast!

If you missed the kick-off, check out the full video here, and the congratulatory messages are shared here. Be sure to check out the website for a full list of Centennial Celebrations, as well as upcoming special events throughout the year ahead. Mark your calendar now for our Centennial Gala Weekend on June 23, 2024!