About the Centennial Campaign

In celebration of this milestone year, the PCD Centennial Campaign aspires to build a strong foundation for the school to continue its mission for the next century and beyond.

The Centennial Campaign aims to raise $15 million for the purpose of strategic campus improvements, sustainable financial security, and enhanced program support to meet the needs of students and faculty at PCD for TODAY, TOMORROW, and ALWAYS.


The PCD Annual Fund supports the needs of the school every single day, providing needed resources for every student and teacher in numerous ways throughout the year. These funds provide flexibility to expand academic programming, enhance financial aid scholarships, update equipment for arts and athletics, and attract and retain dedicated faculty to provide an exceptional educational experience.
Gifts to the PCD Annual Fund can be designated towards a specific department or area of interest for the donor, such as financial aid, athletics, or arts. Gifts without such restrictions can be used to benefit these and other areas, and therefore allow the most flexibility to apply these funds towards the area of greatest need.
With your help, we can continue the momentum of year-over-year growth for the PCD Annual Fund to provide the funds to support the school’s mission TODAY.


The campus at Providence Country Day has changed in many ways over the past 100 years, though what has remained unchanged is that the school’s buildings and grounds remain the heart of our community, where students are taught leadership & learning for life.

In an effort to improve the campus in ways that will meet the evolving needs of students and teachers in an ever-changing world, the Centennial Campaign includes an ambitious capital improvement plan, including both renovating existing facilities as well as building a new Arts Center. These improvements will transform PCD’s campus in ways that will support the evolving needs of students and teachers TOMORROW and for years to come.


The Centennial Campaign includes a goal of $1.5 million of endowed gifts to create sustainable financial stability for the school for the next century.

Building a strong endowment for Providence Country Day will ensure that our school has the financial stability ALWAYS to continue to inspire future generations of Knights.

PCD began this campaign with an endowment of approximately $1.8 million in 2019. The school’s endowed funds are invested and managed through The Rhode Island Foundation, with a small portion (typically 4.5%) utilized annually for each fund’s indicated purpose, while the remainder is reinvested for continued growth.

We are all, without exception, the beneficiaries of the generosity of past generations of PCD parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, and friends. It is now our turn to build an even brighter future for our school, with the financial stability to adapt and adjust in an ever-changing world.